Anny Dentener-Boswell
Food and Dairy Technology Consultant
Ir (Wageningen); FNZIFST; Dip. Mgmt (NZIM)
Technical Director, ADECRON Ltd
Location: Auckland 2019, New Zealand
Telephone: +64 9 279-8979
Mobile: 021 0375-722
Email: [].
"Anny has extensive experience in Food Product Development in the Food & Dairy Industries, developing numerous products and managing R&D projects from concept through to the market place since 1981. She also helps companies with food labelling, nutrition calculations and food technology software use & selection. She was Food Technologist in the winning teams of 6 UEB/ Printpac/Massey University Food Awards.
- Ingenieurs Degree (approx. MSc Hons), First Class Honours, Agricultural University, Wageningen (Netherlands): double Major in Dairy Science & Technology and Food Process Engineering, and a Minor in Colloid Chemistry.
- Diploma of Management, NZIM; and Teaching Degree in Chemistry.
- Numerous courses on all aspects of R&D (Food Quality Control; Product Development; Project Management; Sensory Evaluation and Consumer/Marketing facets of Research and Development; water activity in baked goods; nutraceuticals and edible oils). Committed to ongoing training.
- Food Technology Consultant since 1997 to food industry clients in New Zealand, Australia and the rest of the world (South Africa, Argentina, USA, Israel, Pacific Islands). Technical Director Adecron Ltd. A total of around 150 different clients worked with over the years, from small one off support to working on large projects with multinational companies. Annually working with around 40-50 clients.
- Main product expertise areas: dairy products, powdered products (infant formula, sports food formulations, diet formulations, coffee and chocolate drink powders, ice cream and soft serve powders), fruit juices/drinks, coconut water, UHT technology and products. Also bakery, nutraceutical, functional food and seasoning projects. Particular expertise in flavour and texture development in foods and drinks and reformulating foods to a healthier nutrient profile.
- Extensive knowledge of labelling and compositional rules in FSANZ Food Standards Code. Expertise on health claim framework under the Code of Practice, P293 proposals and Fair Trading Act. Using nutrition calculation software (FoodWorks) for generating nutrition information panels and for reverse engineering = competitor copying. Completed well over 1000 labels for clients. In depth knowledge of the NZ Supplemented Food Standard for food type dietary supplements. Expertise in helping importers to adjust labels for NZ & Australia. Also helping clients with export issues into US, Canada, EU and Asian countries including China.
- Long term experience in food product & process development, including 8 years as R&D/Product Development Manager in different Divisions of the New Zealand Dairy Group (now Fonterra). Development of around 50 different UHT/aseptic products and fresh milk products, ice cream powders, yoghurts and desserts. Complete project management, in close collaboration with Marketing and Production Teams. Food Technologist in the winning teams of 6 Massey/UEB/ Printpac NZ Food Awards.
- Experienced user of experimental design & analysis DOE software (DesignExpert, FusionPro) for problem solving and efficient product and process development.
- Fellow of NZ Institute of Food Science and Technology,
- Judge annual NZ Cheese Awards,
- Council member NZ Nutrition Foundation.
- Languages: English, Dutch, German and some French.
- Motti Lubezky (TLC Pty Ltd, Israel): "We have full trust in you. I know we are far away - but I can read /sense/ see that you are very professional & your work ethics is of high standard."
- Daniel Golder (Lasertec Imaging): Hi Anny, You have been most helpful with our first order of xxxxx. I will always recommend your services to others and I am sure that we will use your services again. Thank you so much for doing a wonderful job. Please send us final invoice and I will ensure that our accounts manager takes care of it. Kindest regards, Daniel Golder, General Manager, Lasertec Imaging.
- Gordon Winward from GWA when referring to Anny as the best person for a certain project: "...Anny is one of Australasia's top food technologists with heaps of experience in dairy products both technically and legally, and is practical and down to earth..." (edited to remove confidential information)
- And Dale Shepherd, CEO from Miada Sports, wrote: "Where would I be without your invaluable assistance. I really appreciate the way you go out of your way to help me with these contacts".
- Katherine Clark, past owner Alexandra Fine Foods, commented about Anny's involvement in the Alexandra's Bazaar spice range. She mentioned in particular Anny's sharp sensory skills (PROP tested Super Taster): "I appreciated Anny's professional and friendly assistance with development of our Bazaar range. Of special benefit is her most discerning tasting panel"
- Jaap Groenewegen from Food Wise Ltd praised Anny's help as "I could not fault your process or results.", when she sorted out the labelling information for the frozen meals his company produces. The focus was in particular on accurate and complete allergen and sub-ingredient info from the raw materials used and working out characterising % declarations. Anny's nutrition calculations were in line with earlier lab testing results.
Anny Dentener-Boswell, maiden name Kikkert.
- Presentation at NZIFST conference 2012 on Front of Pack labelling and fat/sugar/salt reduction reformulation options,
- Review in Food NZ of Riddet Inaugural Food Structures, Digestion & Health International Conference, 7-9 March 2012, Palmerston North: Food NZ April/May 2012, 12 (2): 18-21
- Presentation at NZIFST conference 2008 on Nutrient Profiling under FSANZ proposal P293.
- Regular writer of review articles on food technology software, reviewed for food technology journals in NZ with 17 articles to date (January 2005).
- Presentations at NZIFST Conferences Auckland (2000) and Hamilton (2004) with critical overview of food technology software useful for food technologists.
- Setting up and running two "Software Café" workshops at NZIFST Conference Dunedin (2001) on "Nutrition Calculation" and "Product Design" software
- Setting up and leading a workshop on "Evaluating Quality in Design" (NZIFST Product Development Division, 1994)
- Co-leader of a NZIFST Product Development Workshop in Christchurch (1985)
- Presentations in Gisborne (1983) and Christchurch (1985) on UHT technology, both also published in "Food Technology in New Zealand"
- Bruin, S, Kikkert, A; Weldring, J.A.G.; Hiddink, J. 1980. Overview of concentration polarization in ultrafiltration. Desalination 35 (1-3): 223-242
- van Vliet, T., and Dentener-Kikkert, A. 1982. Influence of the composition of the milk fat globule membrane on the rheological properties of acid milk gels. Neth. Milk Dairy J. 36: 261-265.